An additional base station to complement an existing Widex TV DEX.
If you want to be able to use your TV DEX on more than one TV you can buy an extra base stations – a base station for each TV you want to use your TV-DEX with.
Only one TV-DEX is needed. Once the base stations are connected to each TV, simply place the TV DEX into the base station attached to the TV you want to watch, wait for 10 seconds until it synchronises with that particular base. The TV-DEX will only stream from that TV until you want to use a different set – then simply synchronise again with that TV.
The Widex TV-DEX additional base station does not need to be paired to your Widex hearing aids for it to work. Once your hearing aids have been paired to the original TV DEX you can add additional base stations later without pairing again.
This product comes with a two year manufacturer’s warranty.